SSL is really slow.
A lazy developer, ~2012 or before
We don't need to protect all data anyway.
Some product manager, ~2012 or before
Okay, then let's use well-tested standard tools and protocols to secure our web connections!
Every web dev, ~2013
How about using OpenSSL with SSLv3 and RC4? RC4 is really fast, right?
We did!
(thanks Mozilla & Google for forcing us with HTTP/2 👍)
(also, nearly all CAs are crap)
Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, open CA founded by EFF, Mozilla, and the University of Michigan, with Cisco and Akamai as founding sponsors.
Let’s Encrypt offers Domain Validation (DV) certificates
Let’s Encrypt cannot verify your organization or personal details
Listen, I get the point of TLS encryption, but I don't have time to set it all up. And it is just a private project anyway.
Another lazy dev, possibly today
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Sounds easy? Then let's do it already!
TLS stands for transport layer security, not end-to-end encryption!
take care of the rest of your stack