Fat button gifs

you make the rockin' world go 'round
»[…] to make doorbells ring, call servants and elevators, turn lights on and off, explode dynamite at a safe distance, and alert police to domestic burglaries.«

Rachel Plotnick, Power Button

Rachel Plotnick
Power Button, A History of Pleasure, Panic, and the Politics of Pushing
ISBN: 9780262038232

Virtual, digital buttons

Buttons in browsers

<form action="sendmail.php"> <textarea name="message" id="message" cols="30" rows="10" ></textarea> <input type="submit" /> </form>
<a href="..." class="btn btn-primary">Click me!</a>

Some terminology

»[…] since the iPhone screen had no buttons and no real tactile quality, it would be helpful to suggest to the user what was a button and what wasn’t.«

— Steve Jobs, according to Edward Muldrew



the quality or property of an object that defines its possible uses or makes clear how it can or should be used

Merriam Webster

»For instance, a button can look as if it needs to be turned or pushed. The characteristics of the button which make it look “turnable” or “pushable” together form its affordances.«




Flat design

On average participants spent 22% more time (i.e., slower task performance) looking at the pages with weak signifiers.
Nielsen Norman Group, 2017

flat UIs might have been a mistake lol 🤷‍♀️

Material design 🥰

13 PROTIPS ™️ to improve your button game

(#7 made me cry!)

Position of power


»Listing OK first supports the natural reading order in English and other languages that read left-to-right. […]
Listing OK last improves the flow, because the dialog box "ends" with its conclusion.«
Nielsen Norman Group, 2008

Button hierarchy,
button states

Daimler AG, 2020

Michael Szczepanski, dribbble.com, 2017

Words are everything


»if a necessary feature has a high astonishment factor, it may be necessary to redesign this feature.«
Principle of least astonishment
Label buttons with what they do using action verbs and imperatives!

Publish article?

Publish article?

Write a review

Write a review

Write a review

a11y / u7y

accessibility / usability

Touch target size

»Provide ample touch targets for interactive elements. Try to maintain a minimum tappable area of 44pt x 44pt for all controls.«
Apple Human Interface Guidelines
»It is obvious on the face of it people don’t change their touch accuracy based on screen resolution.«
Steven Hoober, 44 px: Why Apple is Wrong, medium.com


Firefox 72, Mac

Chrome 79, Mac

iOS Safari 13


Chrome 79, Mac

*:focus { outline: 0; }
const Button = ({ label, message }) => ( <div onClick={() => alert(message)}>{label}</div> ); export default () => ( <div className="App"> <Button label="click me!" message="You clicked me!" /> </div> );
const Button = ({ label, message }) => ( <div onClick={() => alert(message)}>{label}</div> ); export default () => ( <div className="App"> <Button label="click me!" message="You clicked me!" /> </div> );
const Button = ({ label, message }) => ( <div tabindex="0" onClick={() => alert(message)}>{label}</div> ); export default () => ( <div className="App"> <Button label="click me!" message="You clicked me!" /> </div> );
const Button = ({ label, message }) => ( <button type="button" onClick={() => alert(message)}> {label} </button> ); export default () => ( <div className="App"> <Button label="click me!" message="You clicked me!" /> </div> );

in Chrome: onClick => :focus



Color blindness

Implementation details

<a href="#" onClick={() => alert("ok boomer")}>…</a>


<button onClick={() => { window.location.href = "https://example.com" }}>…</button>

Sometimes links are buttons, sometimes buttons are links

»Making a link look like a button is materially dishonest. It tells users that links and buttons are the same when they’re not.
[…] submit buttons shouldn’t have a hand cursor. In doing so, the hand (pointer) helps those using a pointing device spot a link.«

— Adam Silver, 2007


<!-- Github export feature --> <button type="button"> <!-- Icon provided by fontawesome icon font --> <i class="fab fa-github-square"></i> </button>
<!-- Github export feature --> <button type="button" aria-label="export to github"> <!-- Icon provided by fontawesome icon font --> <i class="fab fa-github-square"></i> </button>

Thank you.


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