Frontend Developer Love

How to pack your webpack.

Photo by Lina Verovaya on Unsplash
Image of Johannes Ewald
Peerigon logo
webpack logo

Our example app:


Step 1:
Create the config

Create webpack.config.ts...

...wait... what? 🧐

Tip ☝️

That's right: you can use TypeScript in your webpack config.

  • Use the .ts file extension.
  • Install typescript @types/webpack and ts-node.
  • Add this to your tsconfig.json:

        "compilerOptions": {
            "esModuleInterop": true
  • Create a variable using the webpack.Configuration type.
    import webpack from "webpack";
    const config: webpack.Configuration = {
        // ...
    export default config;
  • Profit 😎

Step 2:
Turn that config into a function

                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                // ...

                            export default config;

                            const createConfig = () => {
                                const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                    // ...

                                return config;

                            export default createConfig;

Step 3:
Make the mode configurable.

                            const createConfig = () => {
                                const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                    // ...

                                return config;

                            const createConfig = (env) => {
                                const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                    // ...

                                return config;

                            const createConfig = ({mode}) => {
                                const config: webpack.Configuration = {

                                return config;

                            const createConfig = ({mode = "production"} = {}) => {
                                const config: webpack.Configuration = {

                                return config;
Modes πŸŽ“

Webpack has three different modes to enable the following default configurations:

development No bundle optimizations, such as minification and tree shaking, but with developer tool support. process.env.NODE_ENV is set to "development" which switches some modules (such as React) into development mode.
production All bundle optimizations enabled, but no developer tool support by default. process.env.NODE_ENV is set to "production".
none Disable any default configuration.

The mode applies defaults. You can always override them...

...but the default configuration is often good enough for a lot of applications. Only override them if you know what you're doing.

                            "scripts": {
                                "build": "webpack",
                                "dev": "webpack --env.mode=development"

Step 4:
Set your entry

Entry πŸŽ“
  • Points to the module where webpack will start to build its module graph
  • webpack will figure out all dependencies that this entry point depends on

                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {


                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                entry: require.resolve("./src/start.ts"),

Step 5:
Set your output

Output πŸŽ“
  • Controls where webpack will write the assets to
  • Allows to configure filenames and such

                            // ...

                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                // ...
                                output: {


                            // ...

                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                // ...
                                output: {
                                    path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),


                            // ...

                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                // ...
                                output: {


                            // ...
                            const isDev = mode === "development";

                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                // ...
                                output: {


                            // ...
                            const isDev = mode === "development";
                            const outputFilenamePattern = isDev ? "[name].js" : "[name].[contenthash].js";
                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                // ...
                                output: {


                            // ...
                            const isDev = mode === "development";
                            const outputFilenamePattern = isDev ? "[name].js" : "[name].[contenthash].js";
                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                // ...
                                output: {
                                    filename: outputFilenamePattern,
                                    chunkFilename: outputFilenamePattern,

πŸ›  In development


🎬 In production


Step 6:
Set up babel-loader

Wait... isn't this a TypeScript project? 🧐

Aren't we supposed to use the ts-loader then?

You can ...
...but @babel/preset-typescript works also pretty good.

Note ⚠️
  • ...doesn't work with const enums and there are other minor differences (see caveats)
  • ...doesn't do any type checks
  • ...just removes the type information



Isn't that the point of using TypeScript?

It is, but... we need to check the types during a webpack build? we need to lint our code during a webpack build?


How to speed up your webpack build

Do less.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Just by dropping eslint-loader

My personal opinion
  • IDEs should show type and linting errors
  • It should always be possible to create a development build, despite of type and linting errors
  • Types and linting should be checked and enforced during posttest

                                oneOf: [

                                        loader: "babel-loader",


                                oneOf: [
                                        test: /\.tsx?$/,
                                        loader: "babel-loader",


                                oneOf: [
                                        test: /\.tsx?$/,
                                        loader: "babel-loader",
                                        options: {


                                oneOf: [
                                        test: /\.tsx?$/,
                                        loader: "babel-loader",
                                        options: {
                                            presets: [

How to speed up your webpack build

(now for real)

                                oneOf: [

                                        test: /\.tsx?$/,
                                        loader: "babel-loader",
                                        options: {
                                            // ...


                                oneOf: [

                                        test: /\.tsx?$/,
                                        loader: "babel-loader",
                                        options: {
                                            // ...
                                            cacheDirectory: true,

                                oneOf: [
                                        include: [path.resolve(__dirname, "src")],
                                        test: /\.tsx?$/,
                                        loader: "babel-loader",
                                        options: {
                                            // ...
                                            cacheDirectory: true,
Tip ☝️
  • Use test for file extensions
  • Use include for directories and absolute paths
rules: [{
    include: [
        path.resolve(__dirname, "src"),

    test: /\.js$/,
    use: ["babel-loader"],
rules: [{
    include: [
        path.resolve(__dirname, "src"),
        path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules", "modern-module-b"),
    test: /\.js$/,
    use: ["babel-loader"],

Step 7:
Set up @babel/preset-env and use a .browserslistrc

🎯 Goal

  • We want a single place for configuring our target browsers
  • All other tools should use that configuration
  • We only want to include the necessary polyfills

                            // babel-loader options
                            presets: [


                            // babel-loader options
                            presets: [
                                        modules: false,


                            // babel-loader options
                            presets: [
                                        modules: false,
                                        useBuiltIns: "usage",

Now let's create a .browserslistrc file in our project root.

A .browserslistrc
  • specifies all browser versions that need to be supported
  • are recognized by a lot of tools, such as Babel and PostCSS
  • is a text file that contains a browserslist query:
                                        last 2 versions, not dead, IE > 8

That's nice for production builds...
...but do we want to do that in development builds as well? πŸ€”


last 2 versions, not dead, IE > 8

last 2 versions, not dead, IE > 8

last 2 versions, not dead, IE > 8

last 1 Chrome version, last 1 Firefox version

                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                // ...

                            return config;

                            const config: webpack.Configuration = {
                                // ...

                            process.env.BROWSERSLIST_ENV =
                                process.env.BABEL_ENV = isDev ? "development" : "production";

                            return config;

This may speed up the build a little bit...
...but more importantly it improves debuggability!

Features like async/await can be annoying to debug in transpiled code.

Step 8:
Set up a CSS solution

There are a lot of different solutions, but my general advice is:

as your
CSS preprocessor!

(aka CSS-in-JS)

CSS-in-JS in combination with the mini-css-extract-plugin theoretically allows us

  • to extract a CSS file per chunk.

    No giant main.css file! πŸ’ͺ

  • to do tree-shaking for styles.

    No unused styles! πŸ’ͺ

There are many great CSS-in-JS solutions, most notably:

but most of them come with a runtime cost 😰

Which is why I prefer:

Themeable, statically extracted CSS‑in‑JS with near‑zero runtime

The setup is straightforward.

Step 9:
Configure bundle optimizations

We won't go much into detail because every app is different.

But these are my general tips:

Tip #1

mode: "production" is good enough for most apps

Tip #2

Use dynamic import() πŸ™

  • Routes
  • Modals
  • Popups
  • Interactive elements like maps, editors,...

...should be lazy-loaded via import().

Good to know

You can tell Webpack to prefetch chunks via <link rel="prefetch">:

                                import(/* webpackPrefetch: true */ "./popup.js")
Tip #3

Check what you're importing:

Bundlephobia with tree-shakable lodash
Tip #4

Don't forget to measure!

Tip #5

Don't overestimate long-term caching.

  • Effective long-term caching of JS assets is hard
  • The sad reality is: Most JS content hashes will change after every deployment
  • It's hard to maintain a constant chunk layout across multiple builds
  • We still don't know how effective long-term caching is in real-world apps
  • How often are files served from cache? (e.g. mobile devices tend to purge their cache more often)
  • There is not a lot of public research about it
My personal opinion

Long-term caching for fonts, images and CSS is often good enough πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Tip #6

Minify your CSS

πŸ”‘ Key takeaways

  • You can use TypeScript in your webpack config
  • A webpack config can be a function
  • webpack has good defaults for development and production
  • Use
    • βœ… test for file extensions
    • βœ… include for paths
  • Use cacheDirectory: true in your babel-loader options
  • Use a .browserslistrc
  • Transpile as less as possible in development
  • Do less to speed up your webpack build:
    • ❌ No type checks
    • ❌ No linting
  • CSS-in-JS provides good DX and allows many optimizations
  • Don't optimize without measuring
  • Ship less initial code by using dynamic import()
  • Minify your CSS

If you don't like to configure that for yourself:

πŸ™‡β€β™‚οΈ Thank you!
